Spouse Support Programs
Brain injury can significantly change a couple's relationship. The following life changes typically affect intimate relationships:
- Changes in responsibilities
- Changes in relationship roles
- Changes and challenges in communication
HBIA runs an informal group to share experiences and offer support as spouses navigate through their journey. Spouses that have attended our group report that it is comforting to share experiences with people who are living similar situations.
Details: This group is open to all spouses of brain injury survivors and is free to attend.
When: Second Thursday of every month
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: Online via ZOOM
Next Steps: Please contact Ali Benning, Spouse Support Group Facilitator at abenning@hbia.ca to attend

**Times/dates of all groups and programs are subject to change. Please check our online calendar for updates or contact us for additional information.**
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